Etcetera Whatever

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

sound like anyone you know?

while on the 17th floor in lexington last week waiting for dan to end a phone call and talk with me about a chapter submission, i read all the newspaper clippings on dr. c's door. most of the said clippings were comic strips, but there were a few op-ed pieces about any number of political ruminations. one particular paragraph from an editorial by molly ivins from the june 29, 2003 issue of the lexington herald-leader caught my attention. while the essay focused on the issue of global warming, i felt the spirit of a few particular sentences could be applied way beyond global warming (maybe i thought this due to recent developments in "biblical" counseling). anyway, maybe these lines can be applied to some of your life experiences as well:

"Fond as I am of many of API lobbyists I have known over the years, I am not quite sure I want these bozos calling the shots on global warming. They have no scruples, they have no decency and they have no shame. Also, they lie."


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