Etcetera Whatever

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

back east

today i returned home from my brief trip to st. louis, where i spent some valuable time with my friend, sean lucas, and lectured to his class at covenant theological seminary on jonathan edwards and "race." i am currently trying to podcast that lecture as well the q & a time sean and i shared with the class. it really was a great trip.

on the way back, i stopped in francisco, indiana, to see my maternal grandparents. unfortunately, they were not at home. come to find out, they were in the nearby town of princeton at the hospital with my cousin, keith. keith has been experiencing quite a few health problems recently. today, he decided to drive to his parents' apartment a mile or so away. on the way there, he took out a telephone pole. due to the various and sundry medications he is on, he doesn't remember making this trip. thankfully, the doctors are scheduling more tests and feel they might have an idea regarding his health problems.


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