Etcetera Whatever

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

another child in the kingdom

roughly three and a half years ago, i did something i never really thought i would do. i bought an apple computer. an ibook to be exact. some ten months later, i then replaced my trusty desktop pc with a fancy imac. now, this might not seem like that big of a deal. but, for someone who spent a good bit of time building windows-based machines, including three of his own, it was quite an occasion. since shifting my computing paradigm, i have convinced a few people (and tried with several others) that they ought to make their next computer a mac. the most recent of these converts was my father. now, to be fair, he doesn't know that his new mac mini is sitting in my living room. my mom bought it for his upcoming birthday and father's day. leanne and i will take it to him this weekend, hopefully after his broadband connection is operational at their house. i am actually rather thankful i do not have the necessary adapter to hook it up to our television or i would already have it out of the box and set up for him. i am not saying i will not go purchase said adapter before friday, but i am trying to restrain myself so that i can spend the time setting it up showing him things about the mac os (it shipped with tiger, which after installing on my imac i think rocks).

why do i mention this? two reasons. (1) i want to take this opportunity to point out a link in my sidebar. see it over there? that delightfully attractive mac mini? go ahead, click it. or click here. sign up and complete an offer. help me get a mac mini and work on one for yourself. i have read several articles about this program. it's legitimate. leanne and i chose the blockbuster offer and watched quite a few dvds in the month we paid for the subscription. i haven't bothered friends with this offer yet, but for those of you who read this please feel free to check into it. i have had two people sign up and complete an offer. i need eight more. (2) as any of you begin looking for a new computer (which happens to us all from time to time), lets talk. for most of us, there really is no good reason not to get a mac. prices are comparable. software is compatible. malware is curbed. plus, macs are cooler. 'nuff said.


Blogger Richard A. Bailey said...

Good advice regarding the email address, Josh. I used a fairly superfluous hotmail account for my attempt at a free mini. To be honest, though, I am very surprised at the little amount (close to nonexistent) of spam I have received from them to this point (around 2 months). I fully expected much more.

12:20 PM  

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